It is that time of year already, to get rid of old junk and clutter and deep clean our surroundings. As we were taught mundane cleaning techniques by our elders, there is an additional step gifted to us that is essential to our spiritual survival. Keeping our Inner self strong requires ritual cleansing of ourselves in addition to our living and working areas. Here is a Spring-Cleaning ritual to get the job done! Enjoy!

Items Needed:
Psalms 59:1-2 for Deliverance
Psalms 91 for Protection
HSE Cleansing/Uncrossing Herb Mix
HSE Cleansing/Uncrossing Oil
Mama Vergi’s Cleansing/Uncrossing Spray
House Cleaning Solution with Lemon (Pine Sol, Clorox, Lucky Mojo Chinese Wash)
Two White Tealights
Incense Brazier
Charcoal Disk
HSE Cleansing/Uncrossing Incense
HSE Inferno Protection Incense
Bay Leaves


Open your windows and closet doors. Dress your tealights with 3 drops of your Cleansing/ Uncrossing Oil, saying your Psalm of Deliverance. Place your dressed tealights by your front door, one on the left, one on the right. Light them.

Light your HSE Cleansing/Uncrossing Incense in the brazier. Starting from the back, go through every room in the house, paying close attention to closets and cabinets. Next, place your incense brazier in a safe place as it continues to burn while you are cleaning.

Take one tsp of your Cleansing/Uncrossing Herbal mixture and simmer on the stove to make a tea. Pour your simmered tea inside of your mop water and a few drops into your cleaning spray solution.

Sprinkle a pinch of the herbal mixture on floor that is non-carpeted and let sit. Mist carpets with Mama Vergi’s Cleansing/Uncrossing Spray and let sit.

Start cleaning from the back of the house and work your way to the front. If you have a two-story home start from the farthest room upstairs and work your way down stairs and then out the front door. Wipe windowsills, doorways, door knobs, and threshholds. Wipe down all counters with your lemon cleaning solution mixed with nine drops of the Cleansing/Uncrossing tea.

Sweep up the herb mixture and mop your floors. Vacuum all carpets. Light your HSE Inferno Protection Incense while reading your Psalm of Protection.

Place three Bay Leaves in each corner of the House.

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